All images © 2008-2019 Cyril Souchon unless expressly noted otherwise (All rights reserved)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Squirreling away

With Autumn upon us here at the Southern tip where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans merge, our Cape Town squirrels are busying themselves before the Cape's rainy Season sets in...

Summer shade
Winter cold
squirrels gather
 in Autumn Gold

is the romantic take on it . . .

this is where my thoughts go, though!

I met a little squirrel, all sat beside my hat
he spoke about the Wirral and I of this and that
my thoughts were on his middle, 

I cannot tell a lie!
me Nan's cast iron griddle, an Autumn squirrel pie

They're cheeky little buggers though.
Hard to catch too, and likely need a whole family to make that pie 🥘.
Put that way, maybe I'll just let them be this time😉

Image (c)2019 Cyril Souchon, All rights reserved.